Wednesday, February 27, 2013


"...whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave." Matthew 20:26-27

Servant? Slave? Those words are not often associated with what we would call greatness in our society. Who's in control? Who's on top of the heap? Who's at the front of the line? Who has the most stuff? These are things we often attribute to great people. But Jesus sees things differently. Often a church is considered great if it has hundreds or thousands of people in attendance, Jesus might judge by a different standard: How many people are being served. Lent is a great time to humble ourselves and remind ourselves that "it is not about me" and to reach out to others.

Lord, you told your disciples, you told us, that you did not come to be served, but to serve. You have put before us the challenge to follow your example. You have called us unto greatness, but may we never forget that the path to Kingdom-greatness is marked by humility, acts of kindness and deeds of service to others. Create within us servant's hearts that we might truly extend servant's hands. Amen.

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