Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Post Election Prayer

May we accept the results of this election with grace, 
       and may we, the Church of the Living God, 
       remember that we are the light of the world.
May we be the fragrance of Christ,
       and bring a message of hope to the world
       regardless of what lies ahead. Amen.

Friday, September 9, 2016

15th Anniversary Prayer for 9/11 - a Litany

15 years ago life in America was turned upside down, as 2,976 people from 93 nations lost their lives in New York, at the Pentagon, and on Flight 93, due to terrorist attacks. We remember hearing the news and watching in disbelief as planes crashed, people jumped from buildings, the Twin Towers collapsed, and rescue efforts were made.

We pray for those who lost family members and friends and all who were left scarred by the events of that evil day.
All - God of comfort, let Your grace, mercy, and faithfulness be known.

We pray for the survivors who are left traumatized by the events of that evil day.
All - God of healing, let Your grace, mercy, and faithfulness be known.

We pray for those holding bitterness and resentment because of the events of that evil day.
All - God of forgiveness, let Your grace, mercy, and faithfulness be known.

We pray for our world that faces the very real threat of terrorism on a daily basis.
All - God of peace, let Your grace, mercy, and faithfulness be known.

Though the world is dark, You are pure Light; we do not despair.
All - God of hope, let Your grace, mercy, and faithfulness be known.

though we are thankful for our own country and know You have blessed this land of ours, we look around and see much injustice, violence, poverty, hunger, homelessness, addiction, abuse, human trafficking, and so many other things that fall far short of Your ideal.
All - Lord, we look to You. Have mercy on America.

There is so much turmoil: we are unsettled, we are divided, we are frustrated, we are uncertain, we are confused about so many things.
All - Lord, we look to You. Have mercy on America.

We see so much corruption in government and the political process, yet You call us to pray for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. And that to do so is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior. (1 Timothy 2:2,3)
All - Lord, we look to You. Have mercy on America.

As the presidential election approaches, it seems fitting that our heart's cry would be...
All - Lord, we look to You. Have mercy on America.

we pray for Your church in America, that you would wake us out of complacency and compromise.
All - Stir our hearts and revive us,
O Lord.

May we have a heart for people, may we see them through Your eyes, may we love as You love.
All - Stir our hearts and revive us,
O Lord.

May we live for the things that matter, seek the things of Your Kingdom, and stand for what is right and true in Your eyes.
All - Stir our hearts and revive us,
O Lord.

May we who are called by Your name, humble ourselves and pray, seek Your face, and turn from our wicked ways.
All - O Lord, hear us from heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our land.

God of all creation, Author of all that is good, Savior, Redeemer, to You we give our thanks and praise, to You we offer our prayers on this day of remembrance.
All - All Glory and honor be yours,O God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Monday, August 22, 2016

I Don't Feel Like Praying

I don't feel like praying today.
My spirit feels flat,
my mind dull and slow.
My prayers seem empty,
there is no sense of presence or power.
Logic tells me this time is wasted.
reason suggests I cut it short
and get on with some productive activity.
A sinisterly familiar voice suggests
that only legalism could hold me here
when it's obvious it isn't working,
at least not today.
I'm tempted to leave,
I'll admit that,
but I don't.
Instead I offer you
the gift of my time and presence.
If all I have today is motion without meaning,
then I'll give you my motion,
my empty efforts,
believing that in Your own way
You will turn these listless attempts at prayer
into true intercession.

by Richard Exley

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


I am placing my soul and my body
On Thy sanctuary this night, O God, 
On Thy sanctuary, O Jesus Christ, 
On Thy sanctuary, O Spirit of perfect truth,
The Three who would defend my cause,
Nor turn Their backs upon me. 

Thou, Father, who art kind and just, 
Thou, Son, who didst overcome death,
Thou, Holy Spirit of power, 
Be keeping me this night from harm; 
The Three who would justify me 
Keeping me this night and always. 
- From the Carmina Gadelica

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Prayer in Times of Conflict

O God, you have bound us together in a common life. Help us, in the midst of our struggles for justice and truth, to confront one another without hatred or bitterness, and to work together with mutual forbearance and respect; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ~ ~ ~ from The Book of Common Prayer

Friday, March 25, 2016

A Good Friday Benediction

The brutal scourge,
the thorny crown,
the cruel cross,
the intense pain,
the deep agony,
the merciless dying,
the horrific death,
the dark tomb,
the numbing shock,
the stunned silence.

Now we wait.

Though our hearts ache, we are not without hope.
But now . . . we wait.
We do not despair, for we have the promise.
But now . . . we wait.

The cross has spoken . . .
but the cross does not have the final word.
Death has spoken . . .
But death does not have the final word.
The tomb has made its decree . . .
but the tomb does not have the final word.

The final word belongs to Him who is the Resurrection and the Life.
And He will soon speak.
But now . . . we wait.

We go from this place, reflecting on the Cross, but anticipating the Resurrection, where death will be swallowed up in victory.

Now may the God of peace
who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus,
the great shepherd of the sheep,
by the blood of the eternal covenant,
equip you with everything good that you may do his will,
working in us that which is pleasing in his sight,
through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Azariah's Prayer of Repentance

The following prayer of repentance is found in an apocryphal portion of the book of Daniel 3:25, 34-45. It is included in "Catholic versions" of the Bible. It is said to be the prayer Azariah (his Hebrew name, Abednego was his Babylonian name) prayed while in the fiery furnace. It is a beautiful prayer for the Lenten season.

25 Then Azariah stood still in the fire and prayed aloud:
34  For your name’s sake do not give us up forever,
    and do not annul your covenant.
35 Do not withdraw your mercy from us,
    for the sake of Abraham your beloved
    and for the sake of your servant Isaac
    and Israel your holy one,
36 to whom you promised
    to multiply their descendants like the stars of heaven
    and like the sand on the shore of the sea.
37 For we, O Lord, have become fewer than any other nation,
    and are brought low this day in all the world because of our     sins.
38 In our day we have no ruler, or prophet, or leader,
    no burnt offering, or sacrifice, or oblation, or incense,
    no place to make an offering before you and to find mercy.
39 Yet with a contrite heart and a humble spirit may we be    accepted,
40  as though it were with burnt offerings of rams and bulls,
    or with tens of thousands of fat lambs;
    such may our sacrifice be in your sight today,
    and may we unreservedly follow you,
    for no shame will come to those who trust in you.
41 And now with all our heart we follow you;
    we fear you and seek your presence.
42 Do not put us to shame,
    but deal with us in your patience
    and in your abundant mercy.
43 Deliver us in accordance with your marvelous works,
    and bring glory to your name, O Lord.
44Let all who do harm to your servants be put to shame;
    let them be disgraced and deprived of all power,
    and let their strength be broken.

45 Let them know that you alone are the Lord God,
    glorious over the whole world.”

~ ~ ~ Taken from the New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Things Change

(Inspired by the Miracle at Cana in John's Gospel , chapter 2)

When Jesus manifests His power and glory things change:

  • Water turns into the wine
  • Law becomes grace
  • Despair becomes hope
  • Unbelief becomes trust
  • Fear becomes faith
  • Darkness becomes light
  • Sorrow becomes joy
  • Mourning turns into dancing
  • Dry and barren deserts become fruitful gardens
  • The downcast become the uplifted
  • Broken people becomes whole people
  • Sickness and pain becomes healing
  • Bitterness becomes forgiveness
  • Stale and stagnant become fresh
  • Old becomes new
  • Dying becomes eternal life
  • Sinners becomes saints

May we walk in the manifest power and glory of the Lord this week.
May we see the Lord Jesus manifest His power and glory in our lives, in our families, in our churches, in our societies, in our nation, and in our world.
May the Lord bring about the changes we need in our lives. Amen.