Thursday, September 25, 2014

Architectural Theology

The other day I picked up a book at a thrift store which should prove to be an interesting read: "Ugly as Sin," by Michael S. Rose. It is a book about church architecture as it relates to our worship experience. The author, addressing the subject from a Catholic perspective, writes about how churches have been reduced from "sacred places" to merely "meeting spaces." He uses the term "architectural theology," which I found to be very thought provoking. What follows is a short excerpt from the Foreword that I thought was interesting.

    "Church architecture affects the way man worships; the way he worships affects what he believes; and what he believes affects not only his personal relationship with God but how he conducts himself in his daily life.
    "In other words, church architecture is not negligible but significant, not the concern only of architects but central to your life and mine."

As I work my way through this book I'll share interesting tidbits along the way.

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