Friday, February 22, 2013


"I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against You, You only, have I sinned, and done this evil in Your sight..." Psalm 51:3,4a

Psalm 51 is King David's prayer of confession after he is confronted about his adulterous affair with Bathsheba and the ordering of the death of her husband. David's sin was very grievous. Lives were thrown into turmoil and destroyed. People died as a result of David's transgression.

You may sometimes hear people say, "What's wrong with ___________, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone?" Sin almost always hurts others in some way. But we must understand that all sin, whether or not it directly hurts someone, is first and foremost a sin against the holy God. That it offends God is why certain things are wrong. When God's holiness is minimized, the heinousness of sin is downplayed and scoffed at. That is why certain religions and individuals are not concerned about what we might call sin. They don't acknowledge the all-holy God.

Holy Father, may we never lose sight of your holiness. In our pride we tend to want to see only our goodness and want to underestimate the seriousness of our sin. This Lenten season, grant us a greater sense and clearer picture of your holiness. As we are humbled in the light of your holiness, may we confess and forsake our sin, that we may become more like you. Amen.

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