The brutal scourge,
the thorny crown,
the cruel cross,
the intense pain,
the deep agony,
the merciless dying,
the horrific death,
the dark tomb,
the numbing shock,
the stunned silence.
Now we wait.
Though our hearts ache, we are not
without hope.
But now . . . we wait.
We do not despair, for we have the
But now . . . we wait.
The cross has spoken . . .
but the cross does not have the final
Death has spoken . . .
But death does not have the final word.
The tomb has made its decree . . .
but the tomb does not have the final
The final word belongs to Him who is
the Resurrection and the Life.
And He will soon speak.
But now . . . we wait.
We go from this place, reflecting on
the Cross, but anticipating the Resurrection, where death will be
swallowed up in victory.
may the God of peace
brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus,
great shepherd of the sheep,
by the
blood of the eternal covenant,
you with everything good that you may do his will,
in us that which is pleasing in his sight,
Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.