greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold,
your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, lowly
and riding on a donkey, a colt, the foal of a donkey."
On Palm Sunday we commemorate Christ's
"triumphal entry" into Jerusalem. There was great
celebration and jubilation as Jesus entered that city, just a few
days before the One being proclaimed as king would be put to death.
Notice that he came, however, riding on a donkey and not a horse.
This is significant. The Bible
mentions horses some 185 times, always in some sort of military
context. When a king or general who was bent on war would enter a
city, he would come riding in on a horse - a war horse, if you will,
but when he was on a mission of peace, he would ride in on a donkey.
Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem was as the Prince of Peace, not as a
military general nor as a warrior king. May we, like our King, be people of peace.