Many people have a problem with those who don't believe exactly like they do. Sure, certain doctrines are unbiblical and at times even anti-biblical, but that is no reason to reject everything they may say because of that. Often there are many wonderful ideas to be gleaned from groups, denominations, and individuals with whom we might disagree on a number of matters. With that in mind, consider the following.
Student: Teacher, I don't agree with the teacher on the other side of the river.
Teacher: Eat the meat and spit out the bones.
Student: But it is all bones.
Teacher: Boil them down and make soup.
Student: This soup tastes bad.
Teacher: Some people are just lousy cooks.
Student: Teacher, I don't agree with the teacher on the other side of the river.
Teacher: Eat the meat and spit out the bones.
Student: But it is all bones.
Teacher: Boil them down and make soup.
Student: This soup tastes bad.
Teacher: Some people are just lousy cooks.